Don’t just think to dissapere to the ground
This is a unique place in the whole of Lithuania. Where, the words “So you dissapered” said to unfriendly person can come true in the literal sense… Because you can just take it and see it through the ground! When groundwater leaches into the depths of soluble layers of gypsum, limestone, dolomite, chalk or salt, the ground collapses are called sinkholes. There are already about 9,000 in their area and they are constantly growing!
We will start the tour from Pasvalys. This town is famous for its sculptures. One of the most adventurous is a musician Antanėlis by name. Antanėlis, who has become a legend of Pasvalys, is a strange musician of the bridge river Lėvuo. Oh, Antanėlis loves to talk! Touching the right hand, he talks about the most beautiful places in Pasvalys. By touching the left hand, we will learn the legend of Antanėlis. And when you add your palm to the button, you can hear a poem about the old river Lėvuo bridge read in a northen Lithuanian dialect.
The so-called herald of the Nation, the popular poet Bernardas Brazdžionis, is also immortalized in a sculpture in his native land. A few years ago, the city was decorated with a monument to the Grand Duke of Lithuania Sigismund Augustus. This ruler of Lithuania made Pasvalys famous when in 1557 he signed the so-called Pasvalys treaties with the Livonian Order, in order to prevent a threat from the East.
Having admired Pasvalys St. John the Baptist Church of the 18th century we are traveling towards the Pasvalys Mill Museum. There are about 400 exhibits under the open sky: 300 – millstones, 66 – bowl-shaped stones, 7 – “footed” stones, 1 – stone – landmark. After all, not everyday so many stones and their products can be seen in one place!
We continue our trip in the so-called town of the Dukes Radvilas – Biržai. It is the northernmost territory of Lithuania, located near the border of Latvia. Sometimes Biržai residents joke that they visit Riga more often than Vilnius, because they are closer to it. The city has the oldest pond in Lithuania, which has long been called a real lake – Širvėna, where dukes grew water-nut agar (lot.Trapa natans), which has already disappeared in Lithuania.
This region is famous for its sinkholes. The most famous of them is the Cow’s Cave. It is the best researched geological monument in Northern Lithuania. Speleologists believe that it is about 200 years old. Its diameter is 10-12 meters, depth – about 12.6 m. There is an open hole at the bottom of the pit. Says that once a cow lost in it and only the end of the chain remained at the rock…
We will test our strength by climbing the 32-meter-high Kirkilai observation tower. Climbing the observation tower offers wonderful views – 30 water-filled sinkholes called the lakes of Kirkilai Reserve. Sometimes, under certain conditions, they turn a variety of colors during the summer. And the shape of the tower resembles a canoe or a sinking boat.
We will visit the only 16th century in Lithuania Italian type bastion-fortress the Biržai Castle. The fortress and the town formed a single defensive complex that saw many battles. People have always been seduced by legends, especially those related to love. It is said that the walls of the famous fortress protect the terrible secret of its longevity – the Commander of the Armed Forces of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, the famous soldier Kristupas Radvila Perkūnas, who ruled Biržai, ordered the construction of the castle. The castle was already under construction, but one and the same southeast corner of the castle was collapsing. He restored that angle several times, but this one soon turned over again as if enchanted. The builders of the castle decided to seek advice from a hermit, who still worshiped the Thunder as his parents used. The old man advised to stop the couple of newlyweds returning from church at full moon and bring them to the enchanted corner of the castle. If the young man voluntarily agrees to be walled up in that corner for the sake of the homeland, and if the bride does not separate from her husband, wall them both up. Who knows, maybe someone will be able to discover the walled couple? ..
For those who do not want to leave the beautiful Biržai Castle, we offer to participate in educational programs. You will be introduced to the life of the Dukes, the old brewing traditions of Biržai region and the war of the 16th – 17th centuries.
Let’s travel towards lake Širvėna. Let’s cross the longest pedestrian bridge in Lithuania, the length of which is even 525 m! Lake Širvėna is the oldest artificial water body formed in Lithuania in the 16th century after damming two rivers flowing through Biržai and guarding the fortress and the city accesses.
The Biržai region is famous not only for sinkholes, but also for beer. During the sightseeing tour of the brewery you will learn how to make beer – from grinding the malt to sticking the label on a bottle. After finding out what must and saladin is, you will go to the museum, where you will see where Rinkuškiai started its activities in 1991, as well as stop at an ancient authentic barn and find out what brewing traditions the brewers followed when making beer many years ago. Finally the day will be crowned with a alcohol free beer tasting from Biržai!
For young travelers, we offer a visit to Kirkilai Amusement Park. Here is a gravitational house. It is definitely a brain predator and will even shock those who believe in the laws of physics as your brain and eyes make an unconscious conclusion about whether you are standing on a flat or sloping surface. No one can believe what they see until they have experienced it. And that’s not all!